Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 25

     The report of the last Comittee was deliverd in to the Board with an answer drtawne to the aforesaid Petition (rtad his morning) to his Excellency. which was read, Council and approued of.
Answer to the aforesaid Petition read in Council

     Order'd That said report be Translated into french, and deliver'd ,to said representatiues, by Mr Secretary Savage as his Excellencys Answer.

     At a Council held at his Excellencys hou'Se in his Maj esty's Fort of Annapolis Royal upon, Munday the 10th of Aprill 1721

Present. his Excellency the Governor [38]
The Hon.ble Lievt Govenor
John Doucet Esq
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq

     The Secretary reported tothe Board that this morning he had deliver'd to the french representatiues of this river his Excellencys answer, wch was drawne up by a Comittee of Council.

     The consideration of the arrival of the french representatiues from Manis advised on.

     Voted that a Comittee of Council be appointed to speake with said representatiues, as from his Excellency and Council and to inquire whither they are come conformable to his Excellencys Instructions deliver'd Mr Winniet of 4th March last relateing to them
a Committee appointed to speak with the Representa- tives of Menis

     Order'd that the Hon.ble Liev.t Govern." Major Paul Mascarene and John Adams Esqe.e be said Committee, and make report of their proceedings therein, to his Excellency and this Board this afternoon at four a Clock to which time this Board :is adjourn'd.

     Post Meridiem. Mett at the same place The same persons present


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