Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 237

Wetherby Consented, and agreed that in lieu thereof he would quitt all his pretensions to a much Greater quantity, lying Contiguous to the Said Church land in the Rear, In favour of the Church; to which they Both agreed

     Ordered that their Patents be made out according to this agreement Then Adjourned to 3 o Clock P. M.

     Met according to adjournment, the Same members being present

     His Honour acquainted the Board that he had Some time agoe Received Petitions from Antoine Hebert and Joseph Robicheau, Complaining of one another Concerning Some land Sold to the Said Joseph Robicheau, by one John Hebert, Brother to the Said Antoine Hebert; and the Said Antoine Praying a Rehearing of that affair (the Same having Been formerly laid before the deceased Governor Doucett, and Since his death before his Excellency Governor Philipps, and Both their Sentences thereon being Read, as also their Petitions) The partys were Called, and being Both Examined and fully heard, they were ordered to withdraw
Hebert and Robicheau's Petitions


     The Board upon a farther Examination of [291] of their Respective Rights and papers, finding that what steps had been taken therein formerly were never Recorded, or So much as mentioned in the Minutes of Council, and that as the aforesaid two Sentences passed thereon by the Deceas'd Governor Doucett and his Excellency Governor Philipps, The first upon file, and the last upon Record, were given without the advice of the Council; The question was put to Prudane Robicheau Senior, Attorney for the aforesaid John Hebert, and the Said Joseph Robicheau his Son, What the Custom of the ffrench Inhabitants was in Such Cases, who answering that the Custom was, that those of the family had always the preference of Such lands as any of them (of the Said family) Should at any time be obliged to Sell; and that in Case the land should be Sold to a Stranger, that the said Stranger is obliged to Deliver up Said land if Demanded, within a year


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