Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 23


the whole Inhabitants was read, likewise a letter from Mr Melanson at Manis to the Leiv.t Guvenor was alao read [35] another from the Indians at Menis to the Inhabitants of this river (all relateing to the robbery of Mr. Aldens Sloop) was also read —
Advised on

Letter from Philip Melan- son &c in relation to the robbing of Mr. Alden's sloop

Voted that his Excellency be desired by this Board not to receiue the afores.d Philip Melanson and Antoine Landre as Representatiues of the People of Minas they being not the persons approued on by his Excellency But that a Comittee of Council meet them and hear what they haue to propose to the Goverment in their JustIfication for S.d People.

     Order'd That the Hon.ble the L.t Gov.e and Major Mascarene be the sd Comitte.

     Att a Council held at his Ex£llencys house in his Maj- estys Garrison of Annapolis Royall upon Saturday the 4th March 1720/1721

Present. The Hon:ble the President
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq

The President 'produced a draught of some Instructions from his Excellency in relation to the Inhabitants of Minas wherein his Excellency askt the Opinion of the Council whither Mr William Winnet is a proper person to put the same in Execution.
Mr Winniet appointed to Execute his Excellencys Instruction at Menis


A motion being made that M..r William Winniet haueing had the misfortune to fall under the displeasure of his Excellency and Council, and a minute entred in the Council Book to his disadvantage [36] his disadvantage, it was thought proper to remind his Excellency thereof, and to know his farther pleasure, upon which his Excellency was pleased to return an answer in writeing to this effect that M.r Winniet had since the offence aboue mentwned been found ser viceable to the Goverment.


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