Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 225

     The Secretary acquainted the Board by his Honours Orders, that he had Desir'd him to lay Before them a letter from Alured Popple Secretary to the RIght Honourable The Lords Commissioners for trade and Plantations, Demanding an Account of the laws &c. in this Province that may anywise affect the trade and Navigation of Great Britain; and that for want of a Sufficient Number of Members to Make a Quorum, through Mr Winnietts Absence and Governor Cosbys withdrawing himself, he had order'd a Committee of the Council to Enquire into the State of the Province, and Report the Same to him, that he might transmitt it to their Lordships, in answer to their Said Demand, which being Read, it was Approv'd of; and order'd to be Registred
the Board of Trades letter in Relation to the State of the province laid before the Board


     Then was laid Before the Board a letter from one Preist De Godalie at Menis, to Preist Gaulen at Annapolis Royall, As Also a letter from Said De Godalie to the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong; Both which being Read and Consider'd, the Board Unanimously Agreed, that the Said De Godalie had Basely Contradicted himself; And were of opinion, that Neither the Bishop of Quebeck Nor any Other of the Church of Rome has or [274] or ought to have any power or Jurisdiction whatsoever in this his Majestys Province, farther than what was Granted and Stipulated to the ffrench Inhabitants thereof by the treaty of Utrecht, which they are to Exercise according to the laws of Great Britain; And therefore Agreed that Copys of Said letters be Sent home to be laid before any of his Majestys principal Secretarys of State, and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, for his Majestys Directions, in Regard to the Power and Jurisdiction Assum'd & Exercised by the Bishop of Quebeck, and the Missionary Preists Appointed and Establish'd by him; and their presuming to Build Churches, without the privity or Authority of this his Majesty's Government; And then Resolved and Agreed that his Honor the Lieut Governor of the Province should write to the Said De Godalie (for his Said Insolen

Preist De Godalie's letters read and he orderd to Depart out of the Province


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