Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  22  Nova Scotia Archives.
Mr. Hobbys petition in relation to Sir Chas Hobby's papers

A petition of Mr. John Hobby relateing to Major Armstrongs withholdmg sereral papers belonging to the Estate of the late Sir Charles Hobby wss read & advised on
     adjourn'd till tomorrow at three Clock afternoon

on Thursday 17th Novemb:e 1720 mett at the same place

Present. His Excellency
The Hon:ble The President
Major Lawerence Armstrong
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Post Meridieum
Hibbert Newton Esq

William Shirreff Esq


Upon reading a scond time the Petition of Mr. John Hobby.
     Advis'd & Order'd
     That Major Lawrence Armstong lay before the Board forthwith all the Papers in his hands belonging [34] belonging to the Estate of the late Sir Charles Hobby

a Copy of the aboue Ord:e was deliver'd to Major Armstrong by his desire, upon which he layd before the Board all the papers (as he said) belonging to S.d Estate an Acco.t on file was taken of them from N.o 1 to 29 (excepting N.o 5 & 27 — wanting) after which the S.d Papers were deliverd to Major Armstrong.

His Excellency demanded the advice of this Board, relateing to Wheat to supply the necessitys of this Garrison now in want —
     Advised on —

At a Council held at the Hon:ble Liev:t Governors house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Tuesday 28th of February 17'

Present. His Excellency
The Hon:ble The President
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq

A letter from Philip Melanson, and Antoine Landre two of the French Inhab:t of Menis to his Excellency, relating to


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