Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 21

     Advised thereon, after which the Prisoners were confined untill further Orders

Arthur Savage humbly moued to his Excellency & this Hon:ble Board, That .Peter Boudre Esq.'" was now in Council, being just returnd from Sea: desired he might justifye or condemn him as to what Mr William Winiet had Inform'd his Excellency and. Council the 12th Instant in Council, viz.t that s.d Boudre inform'd him that S.d Savage should say from his Excellency mouth that he would ruin him. — Upon which said Boudre was sworne, Deposed that he never informed Mr William Winniet any such thing, nor that S.d Savage had ever said any such thing to him
Arthur Savage crav- ing that Mr. Winniet make Good his Speech agt him

     The Memorial of Major Lawrence Armstrongs to the Governor of Cape Breton and his answer to the same was read

James Saunders & Samuel Waters each in the sum of Two hundred pounds New England money — Entered into recognizance to our Soueraign Lord the King, That James Saunders shall be forth comIng (death or casuallties excepd) at Cansoe in the space of eight months insueing to stand his Tryal for the death of Abiel Bell
The Prisoners that were examined on Suspicion of the murder at Canso liberate upon Ball.


     James Blinn appeared before his Excellency and entred into recognizance to our Soveragine Lord the King in the sum of Two hundred pounds New England money for the appearance of James Henderson at Canso in the space of six months to stand his tryal for the death of Abiel Bell [33]

     At a Council held at his Excellencys house in his Majtys Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Wednesday the 16th November 1720

His Excellency the General
The Hon:ble The President
Major Lawerence Armstrong
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq


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