Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  180  Nova Scotia Archives.

     His Excellency furthermore acquainted ye Board that he had order'd one of Coll Dunbarr's Deputy Surveyors who was here for that purpose to go & Survey ye Same which he had accordingly done upon which ye sd Surveyors report was read, with his Majesties Instructions to his Excellency relateing to ye Settling Lands in Nova Scotia.
Coal Mine

     His Excellency at ye same time signify'd to ye Board, that they very well knew ye Persons & their Views in desireing that Grant. that it was in regard to a Cole Clift that Lay Contiguous, that had as yett never been of any Service either to ye Publick or to any private Person, but might for ye future bring some advantage to ye Governmt according to ye Proposalls made by those Gent. provided ye same was approv'd of.
The Councils Opinion thereon


     His Excellency mov'd the Board for their opinion and Advice thereupon. Agreed & Advis'd Nemin. Contrad. that ye said Settlement be encourag'd & that in ye Opinion of ye Council his Excellency might without breach of his Orders or at least ye Intention of them which related to Wood Lands [14] only, of which these in question were not as appear'd by ye report of ye Surveyor.) give a Grant of said Lands, & that it was for ye Publick Good of this Province so to do, there being considerable quantitys of Coal in ye Province besides that abovemention'd & that they look'd upon it as a happy Circumstance that there was that encouragement for makeing a Settlement in that Place ye Lands otherwise being Barren & unprofitable; and that it might be ye means or makeing it in time a Place of Considerable Trade.
R. Philipps


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