Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 179

the Major giveing for a reason that he was an Elder Councellour than ye L.t Gov.r.

     Upon which his Excellency made answer that he thought himself empower'd to appoint what Member he shoud think proper to sett as President.

     Major Mascarene haveing desir'd that ye same might be minuted in ye Council Book took his place accordingly

     M.r Skene mov'd that ye 5th Article of his Majesties Instructions might be read relateing to ye Council. Whereupon a Debate arose, whether a Councellour haveing been absent above two years, without ye Kings Sign Manuell had not thereby forfeited his place at ye Council Board

     Majr Mascarene own'd that he had been for so long a time absent, but was sent by ye Lt Govr of ye Province who had appointed him a Commissioner for Settling ye Peace withye Indians in Conjunction withye Governmt ofye Massachusett's Bay.

     Upon whichye Council Nem. Centrad. gave it as their opinions, that it rested entirely with his Excellency to Judge of that Affair. His Excellency acquainted ye Board that he thought there was a Difference in a Councellour being barely absent with ye Govrs Leave. & his being sent on ye Publick Service, And ye Major Continued Setting accordingly.


     His Excellency signify'd to ye Board that some Merchants belonging to Boston had made application to him for a Grant of Lands Scituate in ye Bay of ffundy [13] within this Government, being part of a Point of Land lying between Chignictou & Minas; in order to settle the same agreeable to ye tenour of his Majesties Instructions.

Boston Merchants petition for a grant of land in the Bay of Fundy

     That his Excellency had given them for Answer, that in ye first place he cou'd not Grant them in form till they had been regularly Surveyd in regard to ye securing ye Masting &c for ye Royall Navy & that he wou'd also act in ye Affair by ye Advice ofye Council.


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