Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  168  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held at the Honble Livt Governor of the Provinces house in his Majesties Fort of Annapolis Royal on Monday the 13th of November 1727

The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor of the Province
The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor of the Fort
John Adams Esq Jos. Bennitt Esq
John Blower Esq
Ensn Wroths Journal.


     Ensn Robt Wroth delivered in to the Board the Journal & accots of His proceedings & publick Transactions up the Bay at Mines & Checanecto &c which were Read
Ensn Wroths instructions from Gov.r Armstrong.

     Then the Honble Livt Governor Casby moved that His Instructions from Governor Armstrong might be Read as also the Oaths taken by the Inhabits on the Articles & Concessions granted them by him which being likewise Read The Board after Some debate Voted that the Said Articles & Concessions are unwarrantable & dishonourable to His Majestys authority & Government & Consequently Null & Void & That the Livt Governor of the province be desired not to Ratifie & Confirm the Same.
Ensn Wroth Examined about his proceedings.

     Then Mr Wroth was called in & asked how he came to Grant Such Articles, Answer'd that he had in Every thing Acted according to the best of his knowledge & as he Thought for the Good of His Majestys Service

     Order'd That Duplicates of all His Transactions be transmitted home to His Majtys Principal Secry of State & to the Lords Commissrs of Trade & Plantations for their directions thereupon


     Resolv'd That the Inhabitants of the places aforesaid, having Sign'd to & proclaim'd His Majesty & Thereby acknowledged his Title & Authority to & over this Province shall have the Libertys & Privileges of English [231] Subjects & That the Trade to & from these parts be open until his Majtys pleasure therein shall be known

     Voted That the further Consideration of Mr Wroths Negotiations be Referr'd to another opportunity


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