Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 167


brought to Reason by fair means & in a legal manner, That he will then proceed to act in Concert with the Livt Governors of New-England & New Hampshire as may be [228] most Expedient for His Majestys Service according to the State & Circumstances of the Garrison & That as it appears that Some Irregularitys have been Committed by the French of Cape Breton, by Harbouring & Receiving the Said Indians who Piratically Carried away the Vessel from Port Ie Basque That Captn Bennitt be desired & have Instructions to Expostulate with Monsr St Ovide & demand Satisfaction for the same

     At a Council held at the Same place on Tuesday the 7th of Novembr 1727

The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor of the Province
The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor of the Garrison
John Adams Esq
Wm Skene Esq
Jos. Bennitt Esq
John Blower Esq


     Soulier an Indian of this River & Paul Secoumart a Chief of Cape Sables & his Two Sons lately arrived were Examin'd before the Board touching the Murther & Other Hostility's Committed at Lescombs Harbour & Jadore as sett forth in the Several depositions [229] Transmitted by Governor Dummer of Which They Affirm'd they were Ignorant Whereupon Livt Governor Armstrong Orderd the Articles of the late Treaty to be Read Wherein They Engage that in case of any of their peoples Committing of Robbery &c The Tribe to which They Belong Shall cause Satisfaction to be made, Of which Engagemt He told them He now Expected the performance, Whereupon the Said four Indians Promised to do their Utmost to discover the authors of Said disorders & to bring them to Justice

Two Indians examined about the murder and piracy committed by the Indians.

     Then a Motion was Made that to Encourage them to the performance of the aforesaid Service Some presents Should be made them, which being Judged for His Majestys Service & Interest was unanimously Agreed to by the Board


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