Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  164  Nova Scotia Archives.
Major Mascarene proceedings in relation to the peace with the Indians approved of.

     Then His Hon.r laid before the Board a letter from Majr Paul Mascarene Comissioner for this province at the Treaty of peace with the Indians conta a full accot of all his Transactions with them since his last Journey to Casco Bay in Compa with the LivtGovernors of the Massachusetts Bay & New Hampshire of His having Ratified the peace with the Indians of Saint Francis & other tribes who were not present with the Penobscutt Indians at the Ratification of the peace last Summer & of His having Enterd into new Engagemts with them by a Separate Article for mutual assistance as per Said Letter upon File Read & approved of

     At a. Council held at the Honourable Lieut Governors house in the Fort of Annapolis Royall on Saturday the 14th of Octr 1727.

The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
Wm Skene Esq
Christopher Aldridge Esq
John Blower Esq
Jos : Bennitt Esq
one of the Deputys being Sick in prison is not allowed to go home without Bail.


     His Honour Represented to the Board that Charles Landry one of the French Deputys in Prison was Reported to be in a very Dangerous [224] State of health & likely to dye Without Some Indulgence from the Government, That His Wife had Earnestly apply'd to him for Leave to Carry him to his own house on her giving sufficient Surety for his Return after the Recovery of his health or when demanded, He therefore desired the Board to Consider of it and give their opinion &151;&151; Advised on & after Some debate

     Voted That the Prisoner Landry in regard of his being a very Great Offender & Incapable to give sufficient Bail shall not be suffered to go out of the Garrison, but that otherwise His Honour may Shew him all the Lenity & favour necessary towards the Recovery of his health
Petition of ffrancis Richards praying to be admitted to take the oath.

     A Petition of Francis Richards Shewing that he was the first Inhabitant that took the Oaths to His late Majesty That he was sorry for his fault in Refusing them to His present Majesty being made drunk on purpose & Praying that His


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