Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 163

     At a Council held at the Liv t Governors house in His Majestys Fort of Annapolis Royal on Wednesday 27th Septr 1727

The Hon:ble Liv.t Governor Armstrong
John Adams Esq
Wm Skene Esq
Chris Aldridge Esq
Jos. Bennitt Esq
John Blower Esq


     His Hon.r Communicated to the Board Capt Hows proposals in writing about hiring his Vessel for proclaiming his Majty In all the proper parts of the Governmt either by the month or otherwise by the Lump, that in case they tho't it was most for His Majestys Service to accept of the latter that he Required the full sum of one hundred pounds Sterl be binding & obliging himself by Charter party to Receive on Board what Officers or Troops His Honour shall think Necessary & them to transport to all the different Settlements of this province there to abide as long as his Majestys Service Shall Require & that his Majesty Shall Run no manner of Risque nor be at any further Charge

Capt Hows vessell hired to proclaim the King.

     The Board having Considerd the aforesd proposals agreed that the Sd Vessel be hired by the Lump & Employed for His Majtys Service upon the Terms & Conditions offerd & that a Charter party be drawn agreeable to Capt Hows proposals & the Boards Resolve
Ensn Wroth appointed to proclaim the K : accession to the throne Amongst the ffrench.


     Then His Honour was pleas'd to Nominate & appoint Ensr Robert Wroth Adjutant to the Honble Colo Philipps's Regimt as a proper person for the aforsd Service of proclaiming His Majesty Who being approv'd of, it was further Resolv'd that Mr Wroth Should have it in Charge to Tender to the French Inhabts the Oath of Fidelity to his most Sacred Majesty King George ye 2d & that every thing be done with the Solemnity and [223] and Entertainments Usual on Such occasions & that he keep an exact Journal of his Expence & all his publick Transactions to the time of his Return


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