Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 159

     Then a Motion was made to draw up an humble address to Congratulate His Majesty on his happy accession to the Throne of His Ancestors, which Motion was agreed to Nemine Contradicente & orderd to be prepared by a Committee of the Whole Board to be Sent home by the first proper Oppo

     At a Council held at the Livt Governor's house in the Fort of Annapolis Royal on Saturday the 16 of Sept.r 1727 A.M.


     His Honour and. the same Members as on ye12 Inst An answer to the LivtGovernor's order of the 12 Inst to the Deputys to assemble the Inhabitants this day at the Fort to take the Oaths to His most Sacred Majesty King George 2d Read [216] but not being subscribed it was Returnd to the three Deputys who presented it who were Order'd to attend at 3 a Olock in the afternoon together with the Inhabitants & then the Board\adjourn'd to that time

The deputys ordered to attend with the Inhabitants

     post meridiem mett according to adjournmt
     The Deputys being admitted presented again the above mentioned paper Subscnbed by seventy one of the Inhabitants to His Honour who desired the Board to take the Same in to Consideration and to give their Opinions thereupon
The deputys & Inhabitants refuse to take the oath but upon Certain Conditions

     The Board having Consider'd & advised upon the said Answer. Resolved That The Said paper is Insolent Rebellious & highly disrespectful to his Majty's Authority & Governm.t that His Honr would therefore please to tender the Oaths to the Inhabitants & in case of Refusal to Commit the Ringleaders to prison

     Whereupon His Honour desired the three Deputys Abrahm Bourg, Charles Landry & Guillaum Bourgois to be admitted & having tenderd them the Oaths Severally, they refused to take them on any other terms than those Sett forth in their answer, then Francis Richards, who had voluntarily taken the Oaths to his late Majesty, being called in,


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