Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  150  Nova Scotia Archives.

     Resolvd that untill the Inhabitants afores.d Submitt themselves & take the Oath of Fidelity to his Majesty conform to the Laws of Great Britain no Vessel shal be pemitted to trade with them until his Majestys pleasure therein Shall be known Att the Same time the Question was putt to the Vote agreeable to the Minute aforemention'd of Tuesday the 6th of July 1725 viz. That if this Town was made the Mart Whether it would not Redound to the benefit of this port Which was agreed to in the Affirmative
Mr. Winnietts Affair agst Mr Adams doth not properly lye before the Council.

     Then His Honour put the Question Whether the aforesd affair of Mr inniets Shallop could be properly try'd by this Board Which bemg taken mto Consideration Agreed that it belonged to a Court of Admiralty only & not to this Board having no Especial Commission for that purpose
Encouragement to the obedient ffrench


     Then it was order'd & agreed for the Encouragemt of such of the French Inhabitants of this River and Cape Sables as had taken the Oaths to His [202] to his Majty that it should be minuted that they have the free Liberty of Trade & Fishing any where within this His Majtys Province of Nova Scotia in the Same manner as other English Subjects except going up the Bay to Mines Checanecto &ca — during the time of the disobedience of the Inhabit.s f those parts

     Then His Honr laid before the Board the Copy of a letter bearing date the 17 Inst which he sent to the Indians of pessamaquady by one Simon an Inhab.t of this place upon a Report that the said Indians had Express'd their being afraid of coming here according to their desire there being a false Report amongst them that two English Veasels had Shown Some hostilitys by firing upon Some Indians in the passage of Fronsac of Gutt of Canso which being read was approved of

     And it was also Judged proper that His Honour Should Write Circular Letters to the Indians of this province to come here towards the Fall in order to Renew & Confirm to them the Sincerity of His Friendship in behalf of His Majesty by giving them Some Small presents


     Order'd that the S.d Circular Letters be prepared [203]


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