Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 149

Fishing Shallops contrary to the Oustom hitherto practiced here &ca as per Sd Representation upon File

     Which being Read John Adams Esq Coll.r desired a Copy thereof in order to answer the Same which was accordingly Granted

     Then His Hon.r Represented to the Board the Behaviour of the French up the Bay at Mines & Checanectou &ca & left up the Same to their further consideration Whether any Vessels Should be permitted to trade considering their present dis respect to his Majty & this his Governm.t
Behaviour of the ffrench up the Bay Considered

     Order'd that a Committee be appointed to Examine into former Minutes of Council and Records of the province, Relating to the trade with the French Inhabitants in former times & to make a Report thereof to the Board for further Consideration

     Ordered a Committee of the Whole Board to Sitt this afternoon to Inquire into the same

     Mett according to adjournt ll ye Same Members

Present P : M.  

     His Honour laid before the Board a Minute of Council bearing date Tuesday the July 1725 founded on a Representation of M.r W.m inniets Merch.a of this place, Relating to Trade with the French Inhabitants up the Bay Which being read His Honour desired the Same might be again taken into Consideration the Inhabitants still behaving them selves with So much disrespect & Insolence as afores.d & absolutely Refusing to take the Oaths to His Majty [201] Therefore putt the Question Whether they Should be permitted to have the benefitt of Trade with our English Traders going up the Bay

Methods to bring the ffrench to obedience

     Taken into Consideration the Insolent Behaviour of the Inhabitants as afores.d & their Refusing the Oaths to his most Sacred Majesty & Decloaring they Will always be faithful to their good king of France asper their Declaration upon File


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