Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  130  Nova Scotia Archives.

     Upon which Some of them Desiring that a Clause Whereby they might not be Obliged to Carry Arms might be Incerted


     The Governor told them yt they had no Reason to fear Any Such thing as yt it being Contrary to the Laws of Great Britain yt a Roman Catholick Should Serve in the Army, His Majesty having So many faithfull Protestant [175] Protestant Subjects first to provide for And that all yt his Majesty Required of them was to be faithfull Subjects not to Joyn with any Enemy, but for their Own Intrests to Discover all Traiterous & Evil Designes Plotts & Conspiracys Any ways formed against his Majestys Subjects & Governm.t and so peaceably and Quietly to Enjoy & Improve their Estates

     But they upon ye Motion Made as aforesaid Still Refusing and Desireingthe Said Clause

     The Governor With the Advice of the Council Granted the Same to be writt upon ye Margent of the french Translation in order to gett them over by Degrees
the Deputys &c Sign the Oath to K: G:

     Whereupon they took & Subscribed the Same both in french & English


     Then His Honour yeL.t Governor of the Province Desired yeDeputees might Acquaint Such as were Absent to Come Next Sunday or Sooner in order to be also qualified for Enjoym.t of their Estates and yePriviledges of British Subjects; & Recommending to them the Duty of Submission & Loyalty & their own Intrests in behaving themselves like Good faithfull Subjects, they Gave Repeated promisses, & having Drank His Majestys ye Royal family's & severall Other Loyal healths the Governor bid them Good Night
By his Honour's Command by & with
the Advice of the Council


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