Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  116  Nova Scotia Archives.


had he any. Other knowledge Thereof [155] Thereof but by Report; And that if his Excellency had any Such presents, he had them at Canso; And again Desired the Advice of the Board what he Should now Do, there being no Such presents at this Time here

     The Oppinion of the Board is that as it is Very Necessary as aforesaid to Give them Such Tockens of friendship as aforesaid

     That his Honour the L.t Governor of Annapolis Royall, in ahsence of' the Honourable Lawrence Armstrong the L.t Governour of the Province, Should Use Such proper Means in So doing as may be to the Honour of this His Majestys Province

     Then His Honour Acquainted the Board That he had Conforme to the Articles Agreed Upon by Major Paul Mascarene, and y.e Indian Deligates, Prepared Articles for His and the Indians Ratifying the Same, which he Laid before the Board
The Indians Sign the Articles of peace


     Which being Read & Compared with those Stipulated at Boston as aforesaid, Were Approv'd of; And Accordingly Judged proper to adjourn to the fflag Bastion to have them Ratified in as publick and Solemn a Manner as possible; Where the Indians being Present, the Said Articles were again Read before all the Officers, Soldiers, and the Deputees first in English, And His Honour the L.t Governor having Administred an Oath to Abram [156] Abram Bourg one of the Said Depuutees and to Prudane Robichau Senior Faithfully to Interpret the Same to the Indians; They Were again Distinctly Read in french, Paragraph by Paragraph which being Accordingly Interpreted to them, They to each thereof Gave their Assent, and Signed Sealed and Delivered the Same to his Honour the L.t Governor of Annapolis Royall
presents Given to the Indians

     Then the Honourable Presid.t in absence of the Honourable L.t Governor of the Province as aforesaid Signed, Sealed, and for and in His Majestys Name Delivered those in behalf of this Government to the Chief of Said Indians; And they


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