Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  112  Nova Scotia Archives.

     The Said Letter being Read and Pere Ignace and the Said Inhabitants from Shickanecto being Called before the Board

     The Honourable Presid.t Desired Pere Ignace to Informe the Board of his Complaint and Allegations against Said Inhabitants
Pere Ignace the preists Compalints ag'd the Inhabitants of Shickenectua.

     The Said Pere Acquainted the Board that he Complain'd Only Against Some of said Inhabitants who in Opposition to his Honour's Orders Refused not Only to pay him Accustomary Tyths, but even So far not to Acknowledge him as their Priest that they had in Contradiction to the Governor's Orders, Signed for a Nother, and therefore had Judged. Necessary to Come and Complain of them both upon his Own Accot And the Disrespect they therby shew'd to the Governm.t

     Piere Dueron and Claude Godet who brought the Letter in behalf of the Inhabitants Offering Nothing in Contradiction to Pere Ignace's Affirmations but Acknowledging the ffact, And the Subject of Said Letter and their Treatment of Said Ignace being both Insolent and Groundless, they were Severely Check'd and So Dissmiss'd


     Then the Honourable Presid.t with the Advice of the Board Ordered that the Inhabitants of Shicaneckto Should Pay the Tyths (as Customary to [150] To their former Priests) to Pere Ignace from the Date of his Orders for Officiating there as their Missionary and not to Any Other At their Peril, without possitive Orders for their So doing from this Government; And that these Inhabitants who had the Insolence to Signe Said Letter in Name of the Rest And to Send for another Priest, Should Pay Pere Ignace for his Trouble and Expense in Coming here
Mary D'iligre's petition

     Then was Read a Petition from Mary D'Aigre Wife to James Gonsile against Beausoleil (alias Joseph Brosard) for Committing fornication with her Daughter Mary who being brought to bed of a Daughter had laid the Same to the Said Brosard, and he Refusing the Child Mentainance and Denying himself to be the father Prayed Releif


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