Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 99

     These Minutes contain'd in the aforegoing Twenty Nine Pages being compared with their originals are true Extracts of the Same
By Order of His Honr the Presidt and Command in Chief
Wm Shireff Secty

Extract of Minute of Council held at His Majestys Fort of Annapolis Royal on Wednesday the 4th January, 1748/9

His Honr acquainted the Board that he had Rec'd some Petitions and a Letter from Mrs. Skeene in Regard to the pulling down and an Estimation of her father's House in the Lower Town – A Memorial from Major Philipps, Wm. Shirreff Esq., John Hamilton in behalf of themselves and others in Regard to their Houses, &ca. being pulled down and Burnt for ye better Defence of this His Majesty's Garrison during the War praying the same may be Recommended Home, so as yt they might obtain some Compensation and also a petition from Capt. Jno. Gorham of the Independt Company of Rangers, Representing in part the State of the province and ye great advantage of Peopling it with protestant Subjects and Proposing to settle a Township on the Eastern Coast upon certain conditions wch he Desires may be Transmitted Home in Order to be laid before the proper Boards for their Consideration.

     All of which being read they were Deferred to an other Opportunity as was also that of the Priests and Inhabitants in Regard to their Mass House to be further Considered.
P. Mascarene
By Order of His Honr the Presidt
and Command in Chief by and
with the advice and Consent of Council
W. Shirreff

At a Council held on Tuesday 24th January 1748/9 at His Majestys Fort of Annapolis Royal at 11 O'clock A. M.

Present His Honr the Presidt &ca.

The Petitions, Memorials or Representations Represented and Read in Council the 4th instant wch were then Deferred as pr that days Minute for Consideration being again Read the Presidt told the Board the first Attack the Enemy made on this place part of the Lower Town was sett on fire by the Enemy The Serjt of the Lower Town Block House sent word he could not keep his post as the fire was againing very fast near him wch however was afterwards Stopt and the Block House Repossessed and the Building and Fencies about it pulld down to prevent the same Danger that at that time the Inhabitants Church was set on fire the Contrary to his Express Orders as the Distance it was from the Block House could not


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