Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  98 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     His Honr the Presidt communicated to the Board a Letter from Eras Jas Philipps Esqr who has been deputed from this Board to Menis and is now there with the Forces sent by Govr Shirley with abt 5 or 600 men under the command of Colo Noble, wherein he setts forth his proceedings in regard to bringing the Inhabitants to furnish Provs for that Number of men in wch he meets with pretty many Difficulties, Sending a Return of the Quantity of wheat and Cattle that are in their Different Departments viz. Grand Pree Pizaquid River Habitant and so far as it appears at this Board from their Returns that taking Tenth both of wheat and Cattle, a Sufficient Provision may be made to Victual that number of men for near three months without distressing the Inhabitants wch if it can be effected would prove of great Service to his Majesty in this Province as by keeping that Force there the Enemy will be Prevented from coming to that Settlement and that as by that time the Navigation will naturally be open, more Provs may be sent there for their support to continue them or any Part of them there Major Philipps at the same time intimating that he hopes after his having Proceeded So far he may have some Recess to come and attend his Business here and Edwd How Esqr having been Named in Conjunction with said Major Philipps in this Council before to attend the Civil Affairs there and having been prevented from going at first by the Business that attended his Station here Intending now to go and assist Major Philipps or supply his Place, it is given him for Instructions at this Board to supply Provisions for the Troops there with as little molestation as Possible to the Inhabitants, and when that is Effected as well as it can be with what other matters may be Judg'd Necessary for his Majesty's Service in wch his assistance may be Reckon'd necessary the Commandr of the Troops there in conjunction wth Lieut Gorham shall be impower'd by his Honr the President to carry on the Scheme according to the Instructions given to Eras Jas Philipps and Edwd How Esqrs.

     His Honr likewise producd to the Board a Paper containing the Proceedgs of Eras Jams Philipps against Amand Bujois wch were found agreeable to a resolution pass'd in Council and it was resolv'd that farther Prosecution against any other Delinquents should be suspended for some time Longer, but that however the best Information that Can be procured should be taken concerning the Behaviour of the Inhabitants.

     The President having represented Jos Granger who went away from this Place without Special Leave from his Honr as an object of Mercy the Board is of opinion that he may be acquitted of that crime.

     His Honr the Presidt produc'd two Accots for the repairing Gautier's Schooner wch was Seized by Ordr of this Board, as part of Gautier's Goods and Chattels forfeited to his Majesty and Employ'd in his Majesties Service amounting to pound; 3.19.1 Sterg wch is to be paid by the Governmt out of any Forfeitures arrising to his Majesty on applications made home in case no fund can be rais'd here to answr such or the like Expence.


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