Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 97

     His Honr The Presidt communicated to the Board Several Letters Reed from Maj Era Jas Philipps as Member of this Board sent on the offices [affairs] of the Province and his Majesty's Service to Menis, and also from CoI Gorham Commandr of the New England Auxiliarys now there Setting forth their Scitaution and Circumstances of these Parts in Regard to Provisions with a Representation of the same set forth by the Inhabitants.

     Wch being read and consider'd the Messengers, Peter Landry son of Abram Desire Leblanc and John Landry the son of Germain were calld in, whom his Honr the President acquainted that the state of these Parts with Respect to Provs was far Different from what their Deputies had Represented in computation thereof made by them and Edwd How Esqr wch was that if the Inhabitants could spare every Twelfth head of their Cattle, (as by their own acknowledgmt they had sheep enough) that they could furnish a Thousand men for three months and that as to Bread if it should fall short it was only Repaying them by Replacing it in the Spring Either in Specie or in Indian Corn, with wch they were fully Satisfied. To which Method of furnishing the Troops wth Pros the Sd Landry &c were of opinion the Inhabitants of these Parts could without being Pinched comply with, wch being thus confirm'd by Sd Messengers.

     His Honr the Presidt acquainted them that in case our Troops should be Necessitated to Return for want of Provs it would redound neither to the Credit or advantage of the Inhabitants. That instead of Recalling these Troops they were daily expected to be Reinforced, and that in Case the Season of the year now impeded that by sea, they would early in the Spring as soon as the Navigation was open, but that we daily Expected four or five hundrd more to join them this winter by Land.

     His Honr recommended seriously to consider their Interest and to Animate the Inhabitants to their Duty for tho these now detached from Hence were so far undr his command as not to distres or annoy them. Yet he could not answ'r for the Behaviour of these sent immediately from New England by Sea. They Promis'd to do their Duty and to prevent their Return for want of Provisions they would recommend the Necessity of supplying them to the community.

     In regard to Confiscating and Seizing upon the Real and Personal Estates of Sevll Delinquents the Board is of Opinion that all procedure therein till we have it further in Power should be deferr'd till further Ordrs Except that if Amand Bujois, as Ie Maigre and others may come in, submit to his Majestys Pleasure and be of Service to the Governmt.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd on ye 15 Jany 1746/7.

The Honble Paul Mascarene Esqr Presidt
Wm Skeen
Edw How
John Handfield


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