Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  96 Nova Scotia Archives.  

for visiting them at Menis the Commandr askd ye Inhabitants whom he had assembled for that Purpose wt their Dispositions were they answer'd that their Intention was to continue in their Fidelity to the British Governmt as they were oblig'd thereto by their Oath. Whereupon Monsr Ramsay the Sd Commandr told them that he then must leave them and having put on Board his Vessells what Provisions and Stores he had before Landed for his Wintring at Menis and Embarkt his Men, he made sail out of Menis in Ord'r to proceed as they thought to· Chicanecto. They were ask'd if now the Enemy was withdrawn whether they would not undertake in Behalf of the People of Menis to take up those who were suspected by the Government to have been Willngly active for the Enemy and bring them here to wch they made answr that they could not undertake it as knowing the Inhabitants could not be brought to a Resolution of laying hands on their Brethren in Order to bring them to Punishmt.

     They being Order'd to withdraw the Commandr in Chief acquainted the Board that tho' the Enemy had left Menis he continued in Opinion of sending a Strong Detachmt to that Place to Establish his Majesties Authority and take up those who were known to have favour'd and abetted the Designs of the Enemy to the Necessity of wch the Board agreed as by the Heads of Instructions given on the 31st Octr last.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Wednesday the 3d of Deer 1746, A. M.

The Same Members Present.

     His Honr laid before the Board Sevll accot of Disbursemts upon the Public Service amounting to £ 20.16.8½ Sterl and it is the opinion of the Board that the Same shall be charg'd upon any Seizures and forfeitures acruing to his Majesty and that all Lands and Effects so forfeited be apprais'd and dispos'd of for the Discharge of Publick Expenses and regular Accts kept thereof.

     That all Pilots taken into his Majesty's Service be paid at the Rate of 10 S pr Diem, N. E. old Tenor for the time they are Employ'd.

     That the Ex between Silver Currt [money] here and Boston money old Tenor shall be at the Rate of 40 S for a Pistole.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Monday the 29th Decr 1746 at 11 0 Clock A. M.

The Honr Paul Mascarene Presidt
Wm Sheriff
Edw How
John Handfield
Capt Rous of his Majesty's Ship "Shirley" Galley
being also present


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