Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 95

Respective Districts, that none hereafter may plead Ignorance. That the Estates Real and Personal of all such his Majesties Subjects as shall hold a Voluntary Correspondence with and retire to the Enemy shall be confiscated for his Majesties use.

     And the Board was further of Opinion that the Sd Paul Laurents Vessel should be brought as soon as time will permit down to the Garrison and secur'd for his Majesties use.

     At a Council held by Ord'r aforesd on Thursday the 20th Novr 1746 at Annapolis Royal at 3 O'clock P. M.


     His Honr the Presidt acquainted the Board that Francs Granger one of the new and Antoine Vincent one of the last years Deputies were arriv'd from the River Canard and had brot him a Letter from the other Deputies of that Parish and District Setting forth the Mildness of this Government the Obligations they are under to Govr Shirley for his Printed Letter, and promising strictly to observe their Oath of Allegiance pray for a Continuation of ye Governments Protection wch Letter being read the two Deputies calld in they deliverd to the Board a list of the New Deputies wch being accepted of they were desir'd to stay till the Deputies from the Grand Pree and Pezziquid arrived.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Monday the 24th of Novr at 11 0 clock A M

His Honour ye President Paul Mascarene Esq
William Skene Esq

Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield
Edward Amhurst Esq

     The Presidt acquainted the Board that the Deputies of Grand Pree and Pezziquid were arriv'd and brought a Letter wch was Accordingly read containing in substance an account of their Miserable state during the war with Acknowledgmts of Obligations to Govr Shirley for his Printed Letter and Promises strictly to observe and adhere to their Oath of Fidelity. (De Ramsay had at one time 1650 Men Canadian Militia Fishermen, Volunteers Indians.

     Some questions were askd the Sd Deputies in Regard to the Behaviour of the Inhabitants whilst the Enemy was amongst them, they answer'd that none of their Inhabitants had Offer'd to take up arms in conjunction with the Enemy that they had been obligd to furnish them Provisions and Horses as in former times but that however considering the Number of the Enemy wch at one time was 1650 they had not made so much waste in Proportion as in former times they having brought a great deal of Flower and Pease with them. That hearing of the Preparations Made here


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