Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 93

and to Proceed on the Montague Belander the Ordnance Packett a Tender in the Service of this Province and in the Sloop that brought the last Troops from the Massachusetts "Iona" Davis Master.

1st      To Enquire after, and apprehend those that have taken up arms for the Enemy and those that have been willingly active for their Service.

2dly      To Enquire after any Magazines of stores of war and Provs belonging to the Enemy and Seize the Same.

3dly      To Enquire after any French Goods that may have been brought into this Province and Seize the Same.

4thly      To take a Particular account of all the Grain in the Country that is not for the subsistence of their own FamiÌys and purchase the same at the usual Rate ship it and bring it here letting the Inhabitants know that they shall be paid here on demand by their Deputys.

5thly      To Order the Inhabitants at their Peril to bring in all the arms and Ammunition that have been brought into the Province Since the French war.

6thly      To make them chuse New Deputys and Return them, here as soon as Possible.

7thly      To seize and Apprehend all those who have not been admitted to take the Oaths.

8thly      To bring away or Disable all the Vessells wch have been Employ'd in the Service of the Enemy.

9thly      To Enjoin the Inhabitants to send as soon as possible what cattle sheep and other Refreshmts they can to Lewisburg where they shall be paid for the Same.

10thly      To Order them to send such a Number of Sheep and Black Cattle as shall be demanded of them by the afores'd Gentlemen for the use of this Garrison for wch they shall be paid at the usual Prices here.

     At a Council held at his Majesties Fort of Annapolis Royal on Fryday the 14th Novr 1746 at 11 o'clock A. M. by Ordr of his Honr the Command'r in chief Paul Mascarene Esq

Wm Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Esq
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield
Edward Amhurst Esq


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