Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  92 Nova Scotia Archives.  

having Sevll things to say, they were calld in; and being asked in General how the Enemy had treated and Employ'd them, It was Answer'd without any contradiction that they were used by the Enemy as in former times being oblig'd by Orders accompanied with Threats to supply them with Some Provisions and with attendance on them with Carts &ca. That they were partly Employ'd in making Fascines wch after having refus'd for Eight days they at last comply'd to prevent their Executing their Threats upon them.

     This his Honr Order'd them to bring what Fascines they had made to the Garrison and without loss of time to cut down that Brush and Spruce between Monpaiss and Bourgs Village as was order'd to be done the 29th of Septr last.

     He then acquainted them with the good Posture of his Majesties affairs with the Vast Expense & Loss the French King must have been at in the great armament that had appeared on this Coast without effecting anything by which they might judge how it would be impossible to make any such an other attempt and that it behove them therefore not to let themselves be had with any Deluding Hopes of Returning under the Dominion of France our King being firmly resolved not to Part with Cape Breton nor this Province. But that they ought to behave themselves as good subjects to his Majesty and to endeavour by their good behaviour to Obtain his Majesty's Favour which the Deputys professed their readiness to do, and after renewing their promises of fidelity & Allegiance the New Deputys being approved they were dismissed.

     At a Council held by Order afores'd at Annapolis Royal on Fryday the 31st Octr 1746 at 11 O'clock A.M.

The Same Members Present

     The Commandr in chief acquainted the Council that Govr Shirley had besides the 250 men sent before sent again a Number of Troops to be Join'd with 200 men from New Hamshire expected every day, not only for the Defence of this Fort against the Intended attack of the Enemy, "about 600 New Engd Militia Called Auxiliaries in Nova Scotia" but to endeavour to drive off the Canadians or any other Enemy out of the Province, that now the Enemy being withdrawn from about this Place and returnd to Menis he, the commander in chief, intended to send after them to endeavour to dislodge them and drive them out of the Province and that if that could be Effected it would be a good opportunity to Examine the conduct of the Inhabitants and Show some Difference between those who have been Inclind towards Serving the Enemy and have showed themselves active in it and to Enquire into all that relates to the civil affafrs of the said Inhabitants and therefore propos'd Eras Jas Philipps and Edwd How Esqr as Persons proper for such Enquiry and Examination.

     The Board approv'd of the two aforemention'd Members to proceed on the Expedition to act by Proper Instructions on the following Heads


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