Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 91

is therefore of opinion their Fears are without Foundation & therefore desiring his Honr the Presidt (to whom these Letters were directed) to assure them on his Part that he would use all his Interest [Endeavours] with his Majesty in favour of those who shall behave themselves Peaceably and Quietly as his Good subjects and not Correspond with nor Join the Enemy that they may be protected in the possession of their Estates. But for those who shall do otherways and join the Enemy, Especially those from Canada, that they may expect to be treated as his Majesty's English subjects are treated in the like provoking cases.

     The subject of Said Letter of the 16th Inst to that effect and conformable to what his Honr the Presidt had frequently told the Said Inhabitants it was Judgd that the Publishing of ym by Distributing them amongst the Inhabitants was Seasonable as it confirms what has been so frequently told them.

     Then his Honr acquainted the Board that having some what to say to the Deputys he had sent for them who being attending were called in and having communicated to them Govr Shirley's Letter with wch they Seem'd well pleas'd and desir'd His Honr to return their most Humble Thanks to his Excellency Govr Shirley.

     His Honr told them yt [that] as ye [the] Thickett of Trees & Brushes from Almost were Butick liv'd on the other side of the River down so far as Bourgs Village as it hindered the View of the Garrison and might cover the Enemy was so far prejudicial and therefore [then] order'd them to have it forthwith cut down wch they said they would do.

     Then he acquainted them that as their Marsh Dikes so near the Garrison were also prejudicial as they might be of great advantage to the Enemy he therefore told them yt [that] he might be oblig'd to cut them or levell them down telling them that in time of war the sufferings of the subject in many cases were unavoidable, and that as the English in the like cases were no ways exempted He therefore desir'd them to follow their Example as in time of Peace as well as they might hope for a Recompense for wch he would use his Interest, he Order'd them to bring all their Shallops under the Fort to prevent ye [the] Enemy making use of them, to bring the Cordwood demanded wch now was wanted for the three company's just arriv'd and having exhorted them to keep in their Duty wch they promis'd to do, Dismiss'd them.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Monday the 27th of Octr 1746 at 11 O'clock A.M.

The Same Members Present

     His Honr the Presidt acquainted the Board that as the Enemy "Du Vivier and De Ramsay" had Retreated Friday last the Deputys of this River were come to the Garrison as he supposed to acquaint him of their own and the other Inhabitants Behaviour in Regard to wch his Honr


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