Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  90 Nova Scotia Archives.  

Majesty's Ships the Chester and Shirley GaIly wanted Fresh Provisions and Some of their Garden Stuff therefore he recommended to them to supply these wants and not to impose upon them by demanding exhorbitant prices as had been reported that some had done.

     They reply'd they would do all in their Power to oblige these Captns and said that everything was both scarce and very dear and it being told yt things upon the Footing of silver money ought not to be dearer than formerly Capt Spry then told them that he would pay them in silver upon that Footing wth wch they seem'd satisfied.

     Then his Honr acquainted them yt Captns Spry and Rous wanted Several Tons of Water and ten Cord of Wood for both shipps [Ships] and order'd them to take his Casks in flat Bottom'd Boats and get them immediately filled on Board and put on Board his Majesty's Ships the "Chester" and "Shirley" wch they promised should be done for wch Capt Spry told them he would pay for and being told that none was to pass or Repass in the Night time without speaking to sd ship least they should be fir'd upon they said they would communicate these Orders in their Several Departments and yn [then] they were permitted to withdraw.

     At a Council held by Order aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Monday ye 29th day of Sepr 1746, at 11 0 clock A. M.

His Honour the President Paul Mascarene Esq
William Skene Esq
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield
Edward Amhurst Esq

     His Honr the Presidt having acquainted the Board that Govr Shi'rley had in Consequence of what was reported of the Ffrench Ffleet sent a Reinforcemt of 300 men and that he believed from a Joint Letter he had rec'd from him and Admiral Warren he would send more if it was Needful which Letters with copies of Several affidavits in Relation to the French Fleet being Seen of Cape Sambro being read.

     His Honr also acquainted the Board that by these Vessells he had recd a Letter from Govr Shirley of the 29th Inst Signifying he had also sent him some Printed Lettrs in Ffrench to be disposd of amongst the French Inhabitants if he thought Proper otherwise to suppress them if it was judgd more advisable, "report of a design to remove the Acadians".

     The French Letter being read it was founded upon a Report he had heard that the French Inhabitants of Nova Scotia were uneasy least the English should remove them from their Estates and transport them and their Familys to France or Elsewhere wch he endeavour'd to appease by assuring them yt if his Majesty had had any Such Intentions, he would have heard of it, but on the contrary he had heard of no such Design and


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