Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 87

     His Honr the Presid communicated to the Board a Letter he had Recd from Captn Collins commander of his "Majesty's Ship Dover" now in this Harbour signifying that he had already staid 35 days longer than was order'd being no absolute necessity of his staying any Longer as there was no French ships upon the Coast as was reported to give any annoyance as the works of the Garrison were in such good Repair towards both Sea and Land that we need not apprehend any Danger by Land from the French and Indians he had therefore Judgd it for his Majesties Service to return next week to Lewisburg &c as pr Said Letter of the 9th of Augt his Honr also communicated the copy of a Letter from Mr. Corbett Secretary to the Lords of the Amiralty to Admiral Warren recommendg him to keep a Tender and Small Frigate for the Services of his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia upon wch the advice of the Council being asked they were unanimously of opinion that Notwithstandg the Report of the French ffleet being on the Eastern Coast may have prov'd false yet as an Express had been Since from England of the Brest ffleet being got out and uncertain wch way Bound and the Proceedings of the Franch and Indians up the Bay being still kept with Impenetrable Secresy, and this Garrison which is the only Footing we have in this Province and Serves to keep the Numerous French Inhabitants from Joining with the Enemy having not yet been compleated to above half its intended Strength, It is therefore their opinion till some knowledge can be had of what the Enemy are doing up the Bay and what is become of the Brest [French] Squadron the Continuance of his Majesties Ship the Dover will be a very great Security to this Garrison and Province and as to the shortness of Provisions mention'd by Capt Collins, the Govr acquainted the Board the Stores could Supply him with Bread Pork Pease and Rice, for a month or two, on the like Quantity being return'd into his Majesty's Stores here by the Navy Contractor at Boston.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Tuesday ye 12th Augt 1746 at 11 o'clock A. M.

The Same Members Present

     His Honr acquainted the Board that all the means he had us'd by Land to get Intelligence of what the Enemy may be contriving up the Bay had hitherto provd to no purpose, He had therefore propos'd that as there was an armd Vessel now in the Harbour belonging to the Honble Board of Ordnance whether it would not be thought Necessary by this Board yt [that] She should be Employ'd in a cruize up the Bay to Endeavour to get some Intelligence of what the Enemy may be a doing there wch being considered it was unanimously Agreed that it was absolutely Necessary to use all manner of means possible to procure Intelligence and as that Vessel is already in his Majesty's Service She may be very fit for that Purpose if She can be mann'd and fitted as such a Service Requires.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Wednesday ye 10th Septr 1746 at 11 o'clock, A. M.

The Same Members Present


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