Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  86 Nova Scotia Archives.  

cleared itself of Ice every Ebb, and therefore the Board was of opinion that His Honr should keep the said Ordnance Packett on the Offer and Terms propos'd by Admiral Warren and that the Representation of the Necessity of Such a Vessel fo'r Intelligence as well as a Man of War from 20 to 24 Guns for the Guard of the Entry of the Bason and the Convoying of the Stores and Provisions from Boston should be renewed to the Secretary of State, Board of Trade and Admiral Warren.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforsd at his Majesties Garrison of Annapolis Royal on Monday the 30th June 1746 at 10 0 Clock A.M.

His Honour the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield
Edward Amhurst Esq

     His Honr the Presidt communicated to the Board that having Reason to believe by the communication being cut off for this month past between Menis and this Place notwithstandg all Endeavours to prevent, that there are some Designs on Foot to annoy this his Majesty's Garrison and more Particularly because the three last Expresses sent from hence for Intelligence had assur'd him that if one of them was not back by Sunday that is last night he might be assur'd there was a Force at Menis to prevent it and as none of the them was returned it was past Doubt that there must be some Detachment from Canada join'd with the Indians of this Province met at Menis for some attempt against this Place and having also communicated the advices he had 'rec'd from Govr Shirley by the Schooner Fame Abram Mors Master as likewise said Master's Instructions and Affidavit taken by Colol Morrison, the Eastern Coast of a Number of French Ships being in Chibucto and LaHave.

     It was thereupon unanimously Agreed by his Honr and the Honble Board, and Corroborated by the opinion of Capt Collins, Sent here by Admiral Townshend to countenance this his Majesty's Garrison to dispatch the said Schooner Fame Directly to Lewisburg to Inform Admiral Townsend and Govr Knowles of our Scituation.

     And the Board was further of Opinion that it was absolutely Necessary to apply to and Endeavour to prevail with Capt Collins to tarry some time Longer as it was for his Majesty's Service to give countenance to this Place and to assist in the Defence of it in Case the Enemy should be bent on any attempt against it.

     At a Council held by Ordr aforesd at Annapolis Royal on Saturday the 9th Augt 1746, at 11 O'clock A. M.

The Same Members Present


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