Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 81

     That afterwards the said Inhabitants suffêr'd several small Bodys of Indians to seize and plunder the English Trading Vessels in the midst of their principal Settlements and the Crews &ca to be carried away Prisoners and in the year 1724 the Fort of Annapolis was insulted by about 60 or 70 Indians who were several days up the River amongst the Inhabitants before they made their attempt without their giving the least Intelligence thereof to the Governour.

     That in the Year 1726 Lieut Governour Armstrong again summon'd the Inhabitants to take the Oaths of Allegiance which they absolutely refus'd to a man throughout all their Settlements and in particular those of Chignecto Declard that they were resolv'd to continue True and Faithful to their Good King, the King of France, but those of the River of Annapolis Royal being Summond into the Fort after an obstinate refusal at last consented to take the oath prescribed but first insisted that the Lieut. Governour should give them an assurance under his Hand that they should not be oblig'd to take Arms upon any account whatsoever which the Lieutenant Governour accordingly granted them and the other Settlements afterwards follow'd their Example on the like Conditions.

     That the year 1730 when General Philipps returned to his Government he again in the mildest Forms requir'd them to repair their past misbehaviour by voluntarily Swearing Allegiance (without Stipulation) to their Lawfull Sovereign His Majesty King George the Second, and those of Annapolis Royal at first comply'd, but on the Governours making the same demand on the other more numerous Settlements, they at first absolutely refus'd; but on expostulation they at last Swore Allegiance after having extorted the same Assurance from under the Generals Hand that they should not be oblig'd to bear arms, and the Inhabitants of Annapolis have since lookd upon themselves to be included in the Same Conditions –

     That since the year 1730 they have look'd on and suffer'd at sundry times about a dozen vagabond Indians to Seize and plunder the English Traders who venturd amongst them to supply them with necessarys and this in the midst of their most populous Villages, buying and Shareing with them these unlawfull Spoils even in the time of profound Peace between Britain and France.

     That in the month of June 1744 after the War with France was proclaim'd the Fort of Annapolis was attack'd by Surprise by a Party of about 3 or 4 hundred Indians headed by a French Officer & a Priest, and altho' the Enemy had march'd thro' the heart of the Province amongst the thickest of our Inhabitants we had not Intelligence of them till two Days before they murderd two of our Men in the Gardens within a few yards of the Fort Gate and during their Stay were furnish'd plentifully with provisions messengers and other necessarys even Fire arrows while we were entirely Deserted by them. So soon as the Enemy left us, the Inhabitants sparingly brought in fresh Provisions at higher prices than usual, furnish'd us with Timber and Stones for the Repairs of the Fort with several Labourers for the same purpose.


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