Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  80 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present on Thursday November 8th [sic] 1745.

     His Honor acquainted the Board he had received a letter from the Indians delivered him by Francis Commaux of this river underwritten the Chiefs and Captains of the Mickmacks of Accadia signifying their demand and answer in regard to a peace to the propositions brought them from Louisbourg by two of their brethren, [sic] which being to have such of their brethren as have been taken by the English released and returned otherways neither truce nor Peace &c, which being considered it was advised to send them a brief answer and send a copy of their letter to Louisbourg.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the aforesaid the same Members present on Friday November 8th, 1745.

     The gentlemen of the Committee appointed to draw up a representation of this Province laid the same before the Board for their perusal and amendments, which being read it was approved of and accordingly ordered that copies thereof may be taken in order to be transmitted home to one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State to be laid before His Majesty for his consideration and directions thereupon.
Signed P. Mascarene

     Representation of the State of His Majesties Province of Nova Scotia and Fort and Garrison of Annapolis Royal, Drawn up by a Committee of Council and Approv'd in Council.

Annapolis Royal 8th Novr. 1745

The Province of NOVA SCOTIA with its Inhabitants after the Reduction of the Fort of Annapolis Royal in the Year 1710 was ceded or yielded up by the French to Her Brittanick Majesty and Her Successors at the Treaty of Utrecht.

     That the Year following the said French Inhabitants not having taken the Oaths of Allegiance took Arms and Joind the Enemy Indians and held the Fort in some measure block'd up for a considerable Time –

     That after the Treaty of Utrecht altho' they were kindly treated by the English Government pursuant to Her late Majesty's Queen Annes Letter conformable to an Artickle of Said Treaty insisting upon the promise made to them in the said Letter which not being granted in manner as they requir'd they continued obstinate in 'refusing to Swear Allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain publickly Declaring that they look'd upon the French King to be their Sovereign 'till the year 1720 when Governour Philipps arriv'd and demanded it of them in Form but which to a man they still absolutely refus'd.


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