Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  78 Nova Scotia Archives.  

with regard to the prisoners now in this garrison and the inhabitants of this Province in general.

     It was then resolved that a Committee of Council vizt William Shirreff, Erasmus James Philipps and Edward How Esq be appointed for that purpose in order to be transmitted to His Majesty and that the prisoners beforementioned remain in the state they are now in till His Majesty's pleasure is known concerning them.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present on Tuesday September 24th, 1745.

     His Honor the President acquainted the Board that having further considered the purport of his letters from Louisbourg that he had desired Erasmus James Philipps and Edward How Esqrs to speak to Joseph LeBlanc prisoner now in irons and to sift him whether he would undertake to discover or find out by his friends what was doing or expected to be done in the country either in regard to Monsieur Marin, the Canadians and Indians or what was expected and hoped for by them and the inhabitants in regard to assistance from France, and as Mr. Philipps and Mr. How had reported that he said LeBlanc was willing to do all the service in his power for this His Majesty's Government upon condition of being enlarged His Honor therefore desired the advice and opinion of the Board.

     Which being seriously considered the Board was of opinion that upon his doing any such real and signal service he should have his enlargement.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present on Friday October 25th, 1745.

     His Honor proposed that it would be advantageous to this Government if means could be found to suppress the inhabitants from having any intercourse with the enemy by supplying them with goods or provisions in lieu of their furs in order to effect which proposed that it might in some measure be done by restricting the inhabitants from purchasing more goods than is requisite for their own proper and immediate use and also prohibit the buying and selling of all furs or skins but such as have either been purchased before the war or are killed by the inhabitants which they should be obliged to declare upon Oath before the Deputy Collector before the[y] should dispose of the furs in way of truck or otherways and that these two clauses should be inserted in the intended proclamations which upon debate was found for several reasons not necessary at this time but endeavor to prevent as much as possible that no powder ball strouds or bluecoating be disposed of to the French inhabitants and to enforce former order prohibiting all trade with the enemy.
Signed P. Mascarene


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