Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 77

to Cobequid and that in the meantime the French Indians belonging to Cape Breton plundered some part of the goods belonging to his vessel and left word to those that guard the vessel that if they pretended to carry any cattle they would kill them – he says further that he met with some of the Indians belonging to Cobequid and Mines to whom he proposed the errand he came about of carrying cattle to Louisbourg and that they told him they would not oppose it as they were inclined to come to a peace with the English if they could obtain it, since they could not pretend to live in this country without it, and could not carry their families to Canada and besides had no relations there.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present August 24th 1745.

     The Commander in Chief communicated to the Board a letter from Pierre Landry at the instance of the Indians of this Province wherein they make some proposals towards a peace as follows.

     "That if a hearing may be allowed them they will endeavour to give their reasons but that they cannot answer for the strangers Indians and if any French ships arrives in the Bason of Port Royal they cannot answer for themselves and until that time if we wont make war against them they wont against us but if they are obliged to make war will give us notice and desires we may do the same to them."

     Landry further acquainted His Honor that the Indians gave him to understand "they were well inclined to make Peace but desired the favor of having time to consult the rest of their people that they might be able to give a further answer."

     It was then resolved that Mr. Landry should be told to acquaint the Indians not to expect any peace unless such a security could be obtained from them as would be satisfactory that the Peace shall be lasting.

     It was further resolved that no vessel shall be allowed to go up the Bay until the Indians be brought to terms that shall be satisfactory as the inhabitants not having it in their power to furnish them with the necessaries may be a means the sooner to bring them thereto and that if an express can be got to be sent to Louisbourg to acquaint Governor Shirley or the Commander in Chief to desire advice upon that affair and if it is necessary to treat with the Indians what terms they will think proper to grant them. Adjourned to Thursday 29th instant.

     Thursday August 29th, 1745. Met again according to adjournment the same Members present likewise William Shirreff Esq Secretary.

     The Commander in Chief communicated to the Board a letter from His Excellency Governor Shirley in consequence of having asked his advice


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