Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  76 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     make some overtures it would not be amiss to intimate to some substantial inhabitants to receive the proposals of the said Indians and communicate them to the Government in which nothing should be ventured on our side but what might be made agreeable to the advice expected from Governor Shirley, to which the Board concurred.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid on Friday 4 August 9th, 1745 the same Members present.

     Upon an information given that Monsieur Desenclaves Missionary Priest of this river had spoken to Joseph LeBlanc who was sent by the enemy from Mines the said Monsieur Desenclaves being questioned thereupon by the Commander in Chief, requested the said information might be canvassed.

     The parties who were said to be concerned in the information were accordingly summoned to appear and Mr. Gautier was first examined, who declared he heard it of Charles Doucett and his wife, who declared they heard it from a girl daughter to Charles Landry of Prerond, who being also examined (she being 13 years of age) owned her saying she had seen Joseph LeBlanc and Monsieur Desenclaves speak to him but that she told a lie and she never had seen the said Joseph LeBlanc and denied her having seen him upon her mother's charging her for saying so which the mother herself acknowledged she had done because of her daughter's reporting a falsity and being asked her why she (the daughter) said so said she was drawn in by the said Doucett's telling news which likewise encouraged her to tell news but owned they were false.

     It was then proposed by the Council that six of the eldest of those young people who were said to be present there at that time should be ordered to appear here on Tuesday the 13th instant for the Board's further satisfaction in regard to the above mentioned affair, and then adjourned to Tuesday 13th instant.

     Tuesday 13th August 1745 Met again the same Members present.

     Appeared before the Council one young man and five young women in consequence of the foregoing orders, who being examined upon oath in relation to the forementioned affair of Monsieur Desenclaves being suspected of speaking with said LeBlanc they knew nothing of the matter.
Signed P. Mascarene

At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present on Tuesday August 20th, 1745.

     Joseph Dugas appeared before the Council and produced a paper from Commodore Warren and General Pepperel containing an invitation to the inhabitants up the Bay to carry cattle and other provisions to Louisbourg and said he left the vessel in which he came at Tagmagouch and proceeded


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