Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  72 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     An order to the inhabitants to whom shall be presented to supply the bearer with a guide provisions and all necessaries required and enjoining Joseph Depuis to be aiding and assisting in the execution of this order, the whole on pain of corporal punishment, dated 25th May 1745 N Stile.

     An order to the inhabitants on the North side of the river lying between the Grangers and Melansons to carry in the night tide to the south side of the river all their canoes with twenty oars and on their disobedience to be treated as enemies and delivered over to the discretion of the savages – requiring John Melanson on pain of death to be aiding and assisting in the execution of said order dated 24th May 1745 N.S.

     An order to said inhabitants to transport their Canoes to Dugas's and lay them in safety on pain of being delivered up to the Indians to be put to death 24th May 1745.

     A defence – to all the inhabitants of Annapolis Royal to go to the English fort on pain of death enjoining the Deputies on pain of corporal punishment of this order and so acquaint the said inhabitants that they will be fallen upon if they act contrary thereto, dated 27th May 1745.

     An order to the four Deputies up the river to collect all the flour they possibly can in their districts and to carry it immediately to the camp 28th May 1745 N.S.

     A defence – on pain of death to all the Deputies to obey the Commander in Chief's order of 27th May requiring them to repair to the fort.

     An order to Francis Dugas to ship himself a Captain on board a schooner in the enemies hands to carry her to Menis and lay her up their in a safe place on pain of death to disobey, 29th May 1745 N.S.

     An order to all the inhabitants to repair forthwith to the enemies camp bringing each of them a bag on pain of corporal punishment and of having the Indians quartered on them at discretion in case of disobedience and the Deputies are required on the same penalties to see the said order executed, 30th May 1745.

     An order to the Deputies down the river to acquaint the inhabitants of their districts to gather again all their horses at their houses and in case of disobedience to be delivered up to the discretion of the Indians.

     An order – to all the inhabitants up the river to gather again their horses to their houses or be delivered up to the Indians dated 31st May 1745, N. S.

     An order – to all the inhabitants to carry to the camp all their cod lines and leads or to be delivered to the discretion of the Indians 31st May 1745.

     An order – to all the inhabitants up the river on pain of death to carry their horses saddles and bridles immediately to the camp and the inhabitants on the north side of the river to carry them as far as Joseph Lannous and


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