Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 71

     Which are in danger of being fired by the enemy who last night attempted to do it and as the consequence of which may be fatal not only to all the neighbouring buildings that are contiguous but even to this garrison (as by Mr. Bastide's letter of this date will farther appear) which is judged to be so near the Town that it may catch flame as the wind blows strongly at North East.

     It was resolved that without loss of time appraisement shall be made of the above mentioned houses which on consultation are found necessary to be pulled down to avoid the foresaid consequences and in order for obtaining a compensation to the proprietors who suffer on this occasion it is the opinion of the Board that the same method be used as was proposed in last Council of 10th instant for same end to which this is referred.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid, the same Members present, on May Saturday 25th 1745.

     Five of the Deputies only appearing His Honor asked them why the rest had not also made their appearance &c, to which they answered that two were sick and the other, Lawrence Grandyer must have been detained by some impediment having promised to be here and having been here on the Saturday before being the first time any of the inhabitants came to the fort since the enemy went away.

     They were then asked concerning the enemy's behaviour towards the inhabitants, to which they answered it had been very harsh, that the enemy coming in the night sent men to every house whilst they were burled in sleep and threatened to put any to death that should stir out or come near the fort, that they had been ordered to furnish weekly a certain quantity of cattle to bring their carts and teams the orders being most of them on pain of death.

     His Honor then required the Deputies and other inhabitants to produce to the Board what orders they may have received in writing from the Commanding Officer of the French and Indian enemy and they accordingly delivered in those hereafter mentioned all signed Marin Vizt.

     An order to Bastist Pelrine requiring him to bring to the enemy all the bullocks he could procure on pain of corporal punishment dated 20th May 1745 N stile.

     An order to Mr. William Winniet to repair to the enemy's camp to serve as English interpreter dated 20th May 1745 N Stile.

     Seven separate orders to the Deputies of seven districts in this river Commanding each of them on pain of corporal punishment to furnish out of their proper districts for the use of the enemy three bullocks per week, requiring them to acquaint the inhabitants of their said districts that if they do not comply with the said order the Indians will be sent to burn their houses and destroy their cattle, dated 22nd May 1745.


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