Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  70 Nova Scotia Archives.  

unanimously was of opinion that they should be kept till further examination.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present Friday the 10th of May 1745.

     His Honor the President acquainted the Board that as the enemy was now once more about us and it behoved us to provide in the best manner we could for our defence he found by what he had observed himself and the Engineers had made him observe that several houses, fences, and other places, which might shelter the enemy in their approaches, or are an hindrance to the mutual defence of our posts, should be pulled down or levelled, that as the wasting any man's property was a tender point and might renew an uneasiness in those who were proprietors, he therefore required their advice how to provide for the defence of the place in regard to the premises against an enemy ready to attach us — that they were sensible no fund was in this Province to answer any contingencies of that kind and that tho' upon any sudden attack he should think himself impowered to provide for the safety of the place under his command by pulling down or Otherways destroying any place that might be of advantage to the enemy yet as he was sensible it might cause an uneasiness as in the like case it had already done in those of this Garrison who are proprietors of houses in the lower town, he chose to bring it before the Council for their advice and concurrence and for finding the best means to be used to obtain a compensation for the losses of the sufferers in such times of danger.

     It is the opinion of the Board thatthe two houses pointed at particularly by the Lieut Governor of this garrison, which are a blind betwixt the blockhouse in the Lower Town and the Company of Rangers quarters and hinders their mutual defence, should be appraised and the appraisement shewn to the Chief Engineer and if he doth not think himself sufficiently impowered to charge that expence to the office of Ordnance account a representation shall be made to His Majesty by this Council in behalf of those now under consideration and any others who may have suffered in ther properties in the several attacks made on this place, most humbly praying His Majesty will be graciously pleased to make a compensation to the said sufferers, and that as the pulling down of the house of the late Mr. Oliver and that of Sergeant Davis seems to be necessary as mentioned no time should be lost.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held at the place aforesaid the same Members present. Monday May the 13th, 1745.

     On a representation made to the Commander in Chief by Mr. Bastide Chief Engineer proposing to demolish the several houses in Town belonging to Mr. Adams, Mr. Ross, Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Oliver.


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