Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 61

Interrogatorys for Amand Bugand

1.      When after your departure hence before the War was declared & you met the Province of the Massachusetts Galley at Grand Passage by which you understood we were on ye point of declaring war against France which occasiond your putting back to Menis; Why did you afterwards proceed on your voyage for ye Eastern Coast & finding Canso destroyed did you go to Lewisbourg.

2.      What detained you there & when let go who did you come with & where did you have your Vessell.

3.      What made you come here with the Enemy to besiege this fort & Carry arms as it is given out you did against your lawfull Sovereign the King of Great Britain.

4.      What were you Employed in by the French Commander when about this Place.

5.      How were you dismissed that Service when returned to Menis.

6.      Where did you leave your Vessell & why did you not come here with her to discharge your Clearings.

7.      How came you to intreat or Sollicit our Officers who were prisoners at Lewisbourg to give you letters to bring to this Place which you afterwards of your own Accord treacherously delivered up to the Enemy whereby you caused some of those Officers to be put under greater restraint.

8.      Did you not attend the Enemy in their design of Surprising Thos Donnell & the Ordnance Schooner when you Shewed your self very alert in procuring Shallops & hands to sail them for that Service at Bourgs Village amongs Bourgs, Doucets & Grangers where you frequently were afterwards, dancing & making merry in Company wth ye Enemy.

9.      What others of His Majesty's Subjects were with you on that expedition & under what Character were they employed.

10.      Why did you not make use of the first Oppo after you were dismissed by the Enemy to come & give an Accot of your Conduct to this Government on the above transactions since you knew how severely you were Censur'd for the Same.

Response des Interrogations D' Amand Bugaud cotté sur dix articles Savoir

1      Ayant partie d' Annapolis Royal j'ay fait rencontre de la Gallere qui ma fait aller a son Bord apres m'avoir examiné et mon passeport estant lui iIs me renvoyer estant aux Metesquesne l'on me dit que Mons'r. Morpin estoient aux Mines se quy m'engageas de relaché aux Mines ou l'on m'assure que les Choses estoit fausse, sur Ie Champ je poursuit mon voyage je fut de cape par les Brusme aux St Esprit on J'apris que Canso estoient prys je poursuit mon voyage a Louisburg.

2      Arrivant a Louisbourg Monsieur Bigot ma denfendu de non partir sans


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