Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  54 Nova Scotia Archives.  

them before that it was ye Custom allowed in all Nations when the Publick service required it to take Pilots & Guides, that he could not grant them an Exemption from that Service since he should not be able to answer it, if the Publick service should suffer by his not giving leave to take Pilots & Guides when they were to be had, that all he could do, was to leave it to their choice either to furnish one when demanded or that such should be pressed when the Service should require it. (To which they answerd that they rather Chose the last of these, as being more adapted to their Case by giving less reason to the Indian Enemy for their resentment) But as on a rumour spread, that several of the Inhabitants were to be pressed to serve on board the New Engd Privateers most of the Inhabitants down ye river had left their Habitations, the Comma in Chief told ye Deputys that such piece of news was without foundation there being no Intention to oblige them to take up Arms and that all that was required was a Pilot or a guide when the Service should require it and that therefore if on such an Occasion the People should leave their houses it would be taken amiss & they must expect to be called to an accot, and be punished for it The Deputys were further told that several people of this River made a practise of going to Mines & some came from thence without ye Comma in Chiefs knowledge, which at this time was improper, as it often was requisite to send orders or directions thither, and it was always necessary to get Intelligence of the State of that & other settlements, by all Oppor and therefore it was expected, that none should go without acquainting the Commander in Chief, who would give them a Passeport for their Security against our Rangers, and that when any person came from Mines, notice should be given of it as soon as possible – That no Inhabitant of the Cape should entertain any belonging to the Garrison & that if they would force themselves on them, they should come to the fort & give notice of it to the Comma in Chief &that none of the Inhabitants should stay after the Retreat, in the Fort or in the lower town, to prevent disorders that such Communications might occasion.

     It was further remarked, that Contrary to express orders given, the Inhabitants bought Clothing and other things of the Soldiers by which they might buy their regimental Clothing or Accountrements, or stollen goods, as it had happend a few days ago, that therefore, no trafic should be held by the Inhabitants with the Soldiers for any such kind of Goods without special leave from their Officers & that those who had bought from the soldier under Confinement, goods stolen by him should return them forthwith & that the Deputys should tell the Inhabitants to stop all soldiers that should be found Straggling and bring them back or give timely notice of their having stopt such unless those soldiers should have a written order or leave or be with an Officer.
P. Mascarene

At a Council held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President & Commander in Chief &c at his own house in the fort of Annapolis Royal on Friday the 4th of Jany 1744/5


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