Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  52 Nova Scotia Archives.  

Joseph Young's sloop was fit for his purpose His Honor was advised to issue out his order for taking the said vessel.

     Also another Petition of Captain Jones's Commander of the armed sloop Speedwell in behalf of himself and Company, praying that as they had the misfortune to loose his three boats in his passage hither and that as there was a proper boat for their purpose belonging to the Honorable Board of Ordnance, he therefore prayed His Honor to procure said boat for him as also an inventory of materials wanted by them in this their enterprise as follows vizt. a cable belonging to the King's schooner and some small rigging if wanted, boards for platfordms, a 1000 double board nails about deck nails and shackles if to be had, whereupon the Commander in Chief having sent for Mr. Cowley to ask him if he had any material objection against Capt Jones's Petition, he answeerd that as it was for promoting His Majesty's service he would conform to the orders he should receive from him (the Commander in Chief) as well in relation to the barge as to tackling, rigging, and other things required.

     At a Council held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President and Commander in Chief &c at his own house in the fort of Annapolis Royal on Tuesday the 11th December 1744

His Honor the President
William Skene Esq
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq

     His Honor the President laid before the Board a letter he had received from the inhabitants of Cobequid brought by two Deputies Pierre Terriot and Claude Pectre sent from that district, who in behalf of their said district signified their having not interfered in the last troubles (none of their inhabitants having joined the enemy nor given them any assistance but as force obliged them to it) and acknowledging their submission and fidelity to His Majesty the King of Great Britain their lawful Sovereign, being asked by the President whether there had not been cattle conveyed to Lewisbourg by way of Chiconecto and Tadmigouch, they said there had been two droves of black cattle and sheep from Menis and being asked who drove them they answered Joseph LeBlanc alias LeMaigre and Joseph Dugas – they were further asked where Joseph Dugas was, they answered at Tadmigoush being come from Lewisbourg in a shallop – as to the Indians they said they were all dispersed, and Mr DeLoutre was at Chipnacady, but they did not know of any number of Indians with him, they were then bid to withdraw but not to depart and to return on Monday the 17th instant.


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