Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  44 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     Then was Read the Scrawl of the Intended Proclamation as Directed on Saturday Last which after Some Amendments was Order'd to be prepar'd and Issued Accordingly, and Monday in Every Week was Appointed for the Council To Meet and the Cost of fees and &ca were Regulated according to the following Table in Sterling vizt.

For a Warrant
For a Mittemus one shilling and Six pence.
The Constable for Attendance Two shillings.
Summoning Witnesses Each sixpence
and for Each mile Three pence
Witnesses Takeing an Oath Each six pence
The Judgment of the Court to be paid out of the fines
The Secretary Six shillings and Eight pence or more if the Case Requires
The Justices Clerk at Canso Three Shillings and four pence
Fines and Penaltys submitted to the Judgment of the Board
to be Regulated According to the Nature of the Offence
Extract by his Honour the Presidents Command

     Fryday the 4th of May 1744, at Ten 0 Clock A M Being Mett according to Adjournment the Same Members Present.

     His Honour the President Acquainted the Board That he had Receiv'd Two Letters by one Antoine Gilbert alias "Clearemont" To witt one from Mr. Alexr Bourg and one from the Indians at Mines Representing Their Great Concern for the murder of an English Crew on the Eastern Coast Committed by Six of the Chickinakady Indians and Referring his Honour to said Clearemorit for a more Particular Account Thereof which said Letters were Read as also said Clearemonts Declaration To which he then made Oath as upon file.

     And he the said Clearemont· Offering himself to Recover the Boy Therein mention'd and with the Assistance of The Indians to Bring all or as many of the said six Malefactors as he could Get, If he should be Warranted by the Government and his Honour. Thereupon Askd the opinion of The Board. It was Agreed That upon his Performing his Promise he should Have the Encouragement "he Demanded which was to be Admitted to Settle in the province "and be Accounted one of his Majesty's Subjects his Intention "Being to marry one of the inhabitants Daughters "And further to be Recompensed according to the Nature of his service and to be Reimbursed The Expenses he shall make Appear he may be at in Performing The Same And it was further Thought proper That his Honour the President should write to the Indians Inhabitants and Their Priests to be Assisting and contributing in the Apprehending and Takeing Renne Madagonuit, The Chief, and the Rest of the sd Malefactors, In Order to Bring Them Hither to Justice.

And that as the Said Clearemont had further Offer'd to be Assisting


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