Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 41

to the Deputys of each District to Impower them to Summon the Inhabitants to take up arms in Case the Case should Require it for the Protection of the Traders from All Robberys & Villanys and for Recovering all Goods Merchandise or Effects so taken that the same may be restor'd to the right Owners –
P. Mascarene
By his Honour the Presidts Command by & with
the Advice & Consent of Council.

Copy Minute of Council on Wednesday March 7th, 1743/4.

There was read a Petition of Anne Douglass Relict of the Deceas'd Saml Douglass Bombardier Praying Letters of Administration Whereby She May be Authoriz'd and Impower'd to Sell & Dispose of her Said Deceas'd Husbands Real & Personal Estate Consisting Chiefly of a House And Garden Wearing Apparell & House Hold Goods &ca (as her Petition and an Inventory thereof Taken by Lt. John Dyson of the Train of Artilery in the Presence of Erasmus James Philipps & William Shirreff Esq.) in order to pay the Lawfull Debts of her Deceas'd Husband and to Enable Her to Maintain & Support herself Two Young Sons and a Daughter the Eldest under Eleven Besides a Daughter in Boston about fourteen years of Age the said Deceasds children by a former wife.

     Which being Considered and that none Other would Accept of that Office It was Agreed by the Board that She the Petitioner should be Permitted to Administer and Empower'd, Her said Husband by all Appearance Here Dying Intestate, to Dispose of the sd Decea:s'ds Real & Personal Estate for the Purposes Aforesaid and that Appraisers shall be Appointed to Estimate faithfully to the Best of Their Skill and Knowledge said Estate That the amount of the Value thereof, As she is only a Mother in Law may be the Better Known for that Effect and in order that Justice May be Done to the Partys Therein Concern'd.

     And the Board further Consider'd That a Widow is only Intitled to the Enjoyment of the Thirds of the Interest of the Rent of a Real Estate During her life. It was therefore Agreed and Judged proper that in Case the Personal Estate, of which She is to keep an Exact & faithful account and of all Necessary Disbursements and Expenses, will not answer the Aforesd End and Design That if the House & Garden should be sold the money Receiv'd for the same should be Deposited in the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq. the President & Commander in Chiefs Hands in Trust till Properly Demanded and by Advice of Council to be Remitted to Boston in New England Whither she the widow Intends to Retire with the Children to be put out to Interest There by the Tutors or Guardians or Otherways Disposed of by them for the Childrens Use & Advantage according to Law which being the Greatest Precaution that can be Taken Here the Board Nominated Eras Jas Philipps, Edward How Esqrs and Mr. Richard Jones Artificer of the Board of Ordnance to be Appraisers of the Household


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