Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 37

     said so but that he does acknowledge King George the Lawful Sovereign of Great Brittain and of this Province and of all the other Dominions There- unto Belonging
By his Honour the Presidents Command
Wm Shirreff Secty
P. Mascarene

Copy Minutes of Council, Tuesday The 16th March 1742

His Honour the President Laid before the Board an Account Dated the first of March 1741/2 of his Majesty's Seignorial Rents with that of Fines of Alienation and some Arrearages of Rent Receiv'd By his Honour from ye 20th March One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty nine forty To the 31st Deer 1741 Amounting to one thousd four hundred & ninety one Livres and Nineteen Sous which Reduc'd to Sterling According to the Exchange at four hundred & fifty Discount Amounts to the sum of Thirty Eight pounds fifteen Shillings and Eight pence Sterling Which being Examind Agreed with the Vouchers.
By his Honour the Presidents command
Wm Shirreff Secy
P. Mascarene

     At a Council Held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President of His Majestys Council for Nova Scotia and Commander in Chief of His Majestys said Province for the time being On Friday The 9th April 1742 at ten o'clock A. M.

His Honour the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Armhurst Esq

     His Honor Acquainted the Board that as Mr. Trefry Master of a Trading Vessell was Returned hither from the Grand Pre at Mines and Reporting that he had been Robbed by a number of Indians and Otherwise very ill Used by the said Indians who surprised his Sloop and Cut her Cables; and as he had no Anchors Desired the Loan of the Anchors that Belong'd to the Brigt Baltimore That was Some time ago Brought hither from Tibogue and had Lain so long under the fort for Want of a Claimer and that thereupon haveing Desired him to Attend the Council and there to Represent his Case which Should be Consider'd he had Therefore Called a Council for that Purpose.


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