Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  32 Nova Scotia Archives.  

be restrained in the leave granted them by the President in writing, from dikeing any of these lands or any ways to pretend a right thereunto by this permission but that upon the first order or notice given by this Government they shall as they have represented in their said Petition withdraw themselves and families from thence· to this place and that the Deputies of this river should be called in and acquainted upon what terms they are permitted to winter at Tibogue according to the prayer of their petition.
Signed P. Mascarene

     At a Council held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President of His Majesty's Council at his own house in His Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royal on Wednesday the 18th September 1740 at eleven of the clock A M

His Honor the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq

     His Honor the President acquainted the Board he had received a letter from Mr. St. Poncy late Missionary Priest of the inhabitants of this river signifying his return from Lewisbourg ·to Chiconecto within this His Majesty's Province, to officiate as Missionary to the inhabitants there which being read, as also a letter from Governor Cosby, directed to Erasmus James Phillipps Esq as Fort Major to be communicated to Major Mascarene which also relating to Mr. St. Poncy's return and some private intelligence he had of said St. Poncy's scheme to the prejudice of this Government and purporting that the Government of Lewisbourg expected a war with the English and that St. Poncy having acquainted them how much he gained over the minds of the inhabitants here in prejudice to the English Government, he was therefore dispatched back which he was not to own but to give such reasons as he thinks proper and that he is to hold correspondence with certain inhabitants of this place, and when a stroke is to be given it is to be against the Governor and this Garrison.

     All which being considered it was the opinion of the Board that Mr St Poncy should have orders sent him immediately to depart this His Majesty's Province otherwise in case of disobedience to be at his risk and peril and also that an order be sent to the inhabitants of Chiconecto signifying their contempt to this His Majesty's Government in daring to receive the said St Poncy or any other Missionary Priest without first applying to this Government and obtaining leave for one and strictly enjoining them to send him immediately away and on no account whatsoever to entertain or support him there nor to permit him the liberty of the Church nor they to


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