Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  18 Nova Scotia Archives.  

whatsoever from buying or receiving any of the aforesaid goods on pain of being guilty of piracy and robbery and to return back to the said Jones or his Attorney what goods they may have already received from the Indians and then the Deputies to make their appearance here at or upon the last day of July next.

     That John Adams, William Skene and Erasmus James Philipps Esqrs, be a Committee to prepare the said order and that Otho Hamilton, John Handfield, Edward Amhurst, and John Slater, Esqrs, be a Committee to prepare the circular letter aforementioned to the Indians that to the St. John's tribe to be inclosed to Father Daniloo the Missionary Priest there, and then adjourned till next day at 4 O'clock P.M.

Met according to adjournment the same Members present June the 21st, 1737.

     The gentlemen appointed yesterday as a Committee presented to His Honor and the Board the papers they were ordered to prepare to be sent to the Deputies of Menis and Piziquite and to the St. John's and other tribes of Indians which were read and approved of. Ordered to be translated into French and forwarded by the first opportunity.
Signed L. Armstrong
Otho Hamilton, Secretary

At a Council held by Order of the Honourable Lieutenant Governor Lawrence Armstrong, Esq., At his Own House In his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Saturday the first of April, 1738.

His Honor the Lieut Govr of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Secty
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Armhurst Esq
John Slater Esq

     His Honour acquainted the Board that he had Received a Petition with a letter from Mr. Andrew LeMercier a ffrench Minister in Boston Praying liberty to Settle on the Isle of Sables and so forth, as upon file.

     The same being read and Considered & the Board were of opinion that as he in his letter seems not willing to accept thereof upon paying the penny Quit Rent Required by His Majesty's Instructions, That his said Petition and Letter should be recommended home to one of the Principal Secretarys of State and the Lords Commission of the Board of Trade to be laid before His Majesty for his Pleasure thereon And that in the meantime a Proclamation be made out forbidding all Persons from Killing or Destroying any of the Petitioners Cattle which now are or may be put upon said Island.


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