Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 17

him that he supposed the Indians were Drunk when he went last to them, & that probably they would be more reasonable the next morning when they were sober, with several other Arguments to persuade him to return to them. But the said· Deponent could by no means prevail with him but Reed an Absolute Answ & Refusal from the said Mons Maufils.

The said Deponent further Declares that he has been Informed that the Indians names who Robb'd & Plundered him, were as follows, viz.,
Claude Nicoute
Fran Nicoute
Biscaron & his PaulBartlemy the Chief & wife & son
Jack Hishe & his Son

Gregorie Biscaroons Son and Honik the Chief was not on Board but the said Jones was Informed it was done by his Order & also that he assisted in dividing the Plunder. The said Deponent moreover Declares that to the best of his Knowledge, The Inventory of the Goods is a just Accot & Amounts to the Sum of £ 840 N. E. besides his Books of Accot, wherein he believes that he may be at the Damage of £ 700 more.
Signed Stephen Jones
Nova Scotia
July 8,1737
Sworn the 18th June, 1737
before the Honble The
Lieut Gov, & Council
Otho Hamilton, Secty.

Met according to adjournment on Monday the 20th June 1737. The same Members present.

     Captain Jones appeared again before the Board with his interpreter Francis Robisheau, Noah Jones and Edward Gillman, two of the sailors who were on Board when the aforesaid audacious attempt was made against him by the Indians who were examined on that head and their declarations taken of what they knew and then they severally made Oath to the same, as per their depositions upon file. Advised on and resolved

     That an Order be sent forthwith to the Deputies of Menis and Piziquet to appear before His Honor and Council to give their reasons why they suffered the foresaid robbery to be committed and to assemble the Indians and to demand of them their reasons for such proceedings in a time of Peace and to require of them restitution of what they had stolen, ordering and commanding all the inhabitants of the places aforesaid to be aiding and assisting them towards the recovery of Captain Jones's goods, books or other effects; and to acquaint them that otherwise they will be liable themselves to make good his loss and damages and strictly to prohibit all persons


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