Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 15

to his breast — that the names of the said Indians were Thorna their Chief, Claude Nicoute, Francois Nicoute, Biscaroon and his son Paule, Bartlemy the Chief's wife's Son, Jacques Ashe and his son with several others, who divided with them as upon file. Which being read the Board is of opinion that as Capt Jones had referred his imparting some things till his arrival here, which he expected would be in a fortnight after the date of his letter the consideration thereof should be put off till that time.

At a Council held at the place aforesaid on Saturday, the 18th of June 1737. The same Members as above being present.

     Captain Jones presented a Petition to the Board setting forth how he had been plundered and robbed on or about the second instant by six or seven Indians who boarded his vessel in a hostile manner and after having cut away her fasts forced him to steer away to a place about three leagues distance – that after they had plundered some part of the cargo they came to sail again and carried the vessel about three leagues farther where they laid her ashore and carried away almost all the rest of his cargo, and praying that his Honor would use such means that he might have some redress for his losses and satisfaction for the violence offered him, as upon file.

     Which was read

     Then the said Jones gave in a particular account upon Oath with all the circumstances of the aforesaid robbery as likewise an estimate of his losses amounting in the whole to fifteen hundred and forty six pounds, New England money, including his books of account, the loss thereof valued at seven hundred pounds damage, which was also read as upon file. Several minutes of Council relating to a robbery committed thereabout formerly in the year 1720 upon an English vessel belonging to Capt John Alden being a parallel case to Mr. Jones's were read. Also the last articles of the Treaty of Peace with the Indians in the year 1725 with the ratification thereof by the several tribes of this Province wherein it appeared that on any robbery or outrage committed by any of the Indians the tribe or tribes to which they belong shall cause satisfaction and restitution to be made to the party injured.

     Ordered that circular letters be sent to the several tribes of this Province requiring satisfaction according to the Treaty for the outragious insult and loss sustained by the said Jones by the aforesaid robbery, and then adjourned till Monday at 9 O'clock A. M.

The Deposition of Stephen Jones Mariner Master of the Sloop Friends Adventure.

Declares, That on the first of June, Currt, the said Jones on Board his said Vessell was peaceably trading in the River of Piziquite in this Province, that about one a clock next morning whilst the said Jones was asleep & having ordered no Watch, his Sloop was Boarded in a hostile manner by Ten or Eleven Indians armed with Guns, Hatchets & Knives &c. who Demanded


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