Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  14 Nova Scotia Archives.  

     Mett according to adjournment

     John Handfield Esq moved in behalf of His Brother in Law Lieutenant Amhurst who was Lame by a hurt he Received in his Foot while his house was Burning, That the Board would not come to any Resolution till such time as he could send to Boston to have the advice of some persons there learned in the Knowledge of the Law, after what manner he should proceed against & what could be legally done to such a Young Criminal, Which was agreed to.

     Then His Honour desired the Opionion of the Board concerning Willm Green aforementioned whom the Boy in his Confession had accused of hav ing Reflected upon Lieutenant Amhurst, but Especially for having advised & incited him to Burn his Master's house.

     The said William Green was Brought before the Board & assured them that the said accusation was False, Groundless & malicious.

     The Board is of Opinion, That the said Green is perfectly Innocent as to the latter part of the Accusation, but as there is some Reason to believe him guilty of the former part thereof, that he should be severely Reprimanded Ask Lieutenant Amhurst's Pardon & be afterwards set at Liberty.
Signed L. Armstrong
Copy attested by me
Otho Hamilton Secretary

At a Council held by order of the Honble Lieut Governer Lawrence Armstrong at his own house in His Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royal on Friday the 10th June 1737

His Honor the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Secretary
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq
John Slater Esq

     A letter from Stephen Jones master of the sloop Friend's Adventure, dated from Menis the 4th June 1737, setting forth his having been robbed and plundered by some Indians of that place while he was peaceably trading in Piziquite River that they boarded his vessel on the first instant about midnight and forced him to come to sail and carry his vessel down that river and that on their arrival at Cape Tendue in the way to Coboquite they robbed him of all his English goods, silver money &c to the value of £ 800 — Threatening his life by cocking and presenting their fire arms


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