Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 13

having told him that he said that he the said Provender Said that he had mett a tall black man in the garret & another time one in the field with his Throat cut and all Bloody; & that he had told the said Mary Franks, that she should never hear anything more from him, because she told Tales.
William X Tracy
Sworn in Council
Otho Hamilton Secretary

     Sergeant William Sanders declares That being down at his fishing lines over against Lieut Amhurst's House about an hour after day      with John Burrows; that they saw a great smoke whereupon they ran up to high water mark & then they Perceived Lieutenant Amhurst's Stable on Fire, that they made haste to the house, calling out Fire!& that he saw the said Isaac Provender with a Blew Coat on just as he came into the Yard.
Willm X Sanders
Sworn in Council
Otho Hamilton Secretary

     John Burrows, Mr Dyson the Storekeepers Servant, Declares That seeing Lieut. Amhurst's stable on fire, he made all the haste he could to the house & out ran Saunders That he came first to the Gate, calling out Fire!& was lett in by the maid Mary Franks, that he saw his Boy Isaac Provender standing in his Shirt in the Kitchen & the Bed Chamber full of Smoke; that he afterwards, when the house was burning, mett him in the Yard & heard him tell some Body; See how merrily the house Burns
John Burrows
Sworn in Council
Otho Hamilton, Secretary

Isaac Lee a Sutler in the Town of Annapolis Royal Says, that he heard the Boy say while the House was Burning, That he was Sorry he did not turn out the Cow & Calf first.

     Then the Governor desired the Opinion of the Board on the Boy's Confession & the Evidence of the Witnesses, Who all agreed, That the Boy was Guilty of the Execrable fact wherewith he charged himself & was truly the Incendiary.

     Resolved, That Isaac Provender be Remitted back to Prison & William Green sent to the Guard till next meeting and then Adjourned till next day at 10 o'clock.


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