Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 97

Minas: Geo. Mitchell has been sent to survey the land "from Chevery's Creek to the mouth of Pissaquet River, and also that at Grand Saut and Cape Fandu." They are to aid and assist him in all ways: governor will make a grant to them and others in company. In case of other discoveries, they are to notify the governor, and share in the benefits; and also to let other discoverers know that if they inform the governor, or the surveyor (Mitchell) so that the mines can be plotted, they shall have equal shares with the proprietors of the land. Governor invites them to Annapolis.
Wm Shirreff Secy. Will : Shirreff Sec.y1

NOTE: The French translation of the foregoing [146-148].

Armstrong to Maufils.2 [148

Thanks M. once more for his “Civil & Generous Entertainment of my Self & Gentlemen at Piziquet"; hopes that M. is well and that St. Foncy "hath much recovered." Encloses order for Deputies of Piziquid and Cobequid; not unreasonable; for without knowledge of each man’s claim to the land, the government cannot settle the disputes. People of MInas have Already brought in their grants.
Wm Shirreff Secy. L. Armstrong

Ap. 28.

Armstrong to the Deputies of Piziquid and Cobequid.

As there are several disputes among the inhabitants in regard to boundaries, seignorial rents, fines of alienation, &c., the deputies are ordered to require the people to hand in all their contracts and deeds of sale, that the Council may be able to settle the disputes pending or which may hereafter arise.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

1. In the same hand as the letter.
2. Margin reads: "Gov’r Armstrong's Letter from Menas to the Priest at Piziquet.”
3. P. S. orders them to publish enclosed proclamation.

Ap. 28.


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